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Our January 2023 Employee Spotlight

Meet Perry!

mark lindsay and son january 2023 employee spotlight

He’s been our Comfort Advisor and HVAC Senior Tech Support at Mark Lindsay for a year now.

He spent over half of his childhood growing up in Greece! When he was younger, people used to say he looked like John Travolta. (We can see that!)

Before working for Mark Lindsay and Son, he used to trade on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

When he’s not serving our customers, he enjoys solving logic puzzles and crosswords.

Here’s a few more fun facts about Perry: Hawaii is the best place he’s ever traveled (honeymoon), he could eat Pastichio (Greek Lasagna) everyday for the rest of his life and if he ever won the lottery, he would donate most of it! Why? He said, “It would be unfair to win the lottery three times. I won it the first time when I met my wife and the second time when Mark Lindsay asked me to join his team.”

Awwww…now we’re blushing! We’re so happy to have you on the team, Perry!

If you’re interested in joining the MLP team, visit our Careers page to browse current openings and submit your resume!


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