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Our December 2023 Employee Spotlight

Meet Layna Besaw, our friendly dispatcher at Mark Lindsay! 

Layna employee spotlight November 2023

She’s a sushi lover who dreams of a lottery win to secure her family’s future and fund ALS research. Copake Lake in NY is her cherished spot for family fun and serenity, from fishing to ice skating. She enjoys movies and books and would love to write children’s stories.

She values happiness above all and finds it in the company of her amazing coworkers. Layna’s advice to new hires? Stay calm; everyone here is very helpful. Firmly rooted in family values, she appreciates the fact that Mark Lindsay and son is family owned and operated.

Thanks Layna! We appreciate having your friendly energy on our team!

If you’re interested in joining the MLP team, visit our Careers page to browse current openings and submit your resume!


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