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Our October 2020 Employee of The Month: Roy Fenn

Our October 2020 Employee of The Month: Roy Fenn

We’re happy to share our October 2020 Employee of the Month Spotlight! Meet and learn a little bit about Roy Fenn!

What is your role at Mark Lindsay and Son?
HVAC installation manager

What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?
Helping my guys work through problems or issues on the job and seeing them learn from it.

How long have you been with the company?
5 years

What has been your favorite project at Mark Lindsay and Son?
Helping our installation department grow.

If you could switch your job with anyone else within the company, whose job would you want?
No one, I love what I do.

What do you always want to try and never did?

What is the first concert you attended?
The Monkees (lol)

What is your hidden talent?
Wish I had one haha

Where is your favorite place to eat?
Black Forest Inn

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