Let’s Talk Hard Water

Let’s Talk Hard Water

Solving Hard Water Problems

10 crimes of hard water

There is no doubt that hard water is a nuisance.
It costs industry professionals and homeowners billions of dollars a year in cleaning expenses and maintenance. The labor and chemicals required to solve hard water problems and then the eventual replacement costs of equipment are astronomical.
Any plumbing fixtures and appliances that come in contact with hard water are costing you money. Water heaters, dishwashers, sinks, toilets, shower heads, aerators, steam tables & ovens, ice machines, swimming pools and laundry equipment, towels, bed sheets, etc. are all affected by hard water and need water conditioning. Water taste is bad; the home or building’s pipe system will eventually need replacement.

Hard Water Pipes vs Soft Water Pipes

As this picture of an inside of a water-supply pipe shows, long-term movement of hard water through a pipe can result in what is called scale buildup. Just as in the human body where blood vessels can be reduced in inside diameter due to cholesterol buildup, water pipes can gradually close up resulting in less water movement through the pipe and a lowering of water pressure

The simple definition of water hardness is the amount of dissolved calcium and magnesium in the water. Hard water is high in dissolved minerals, both calcium and magnesium. You may have felt the effects of hard water, literally, the last time you washed your hands. Depending on the hardness of your water, after using soap to wash you may have felt like there was a film of residue left on your hands. In hard water, soap reacts with the calcium (which is relatively high in hard water) to form “soap scum”. When using hard water, more soap or detergent is needed to get things clean, be it your hands, hair, or your laundry.

Have you done a load of dishes in the dishwasher, taken out the glasses, and noticed spots or film on them? This is more hard-water residue—not dangerous, but unsightly. Many industrial and domestic water users are concerned about the hardness of their water. When hard water is heated, such as in a home water heater, solid deposits of calcium carbonate can form. This scale can reduce the life of equipment, raise the costs of heating the water, lower the efficiency of electric water heaters, and clog pipes. And, yes, mineral buildup will occur in your home coffee maker too, which is why some people occasionally run vinegar (an acid) through the pot. So if your water has any of these traits, please contact us!

Call Mark Lindsay and Son Plumbing & Heating Inc. for your water conditioning needs and let us take the rock out of your water!

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